Reading takes you to another world.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just Another Sarah Dessen Book

I honestly wasn't thrilled about having to write a blog-post tonight, and not because I hate blogging- but because I've gotten used to having to write a post on something specific. Meaning, I had to actually think of something to write about. I could sit here for hours, just trying to figure out what to write about. In fact, this is my 4th time changing the topic of my post. Sad, isn't it? And I really just stared stupidly at my screen trying to think of what to say next. So anyway, I decided to make this post on my view of how love is always incorporated into and shown in different ways in Sarah Dessen's books.
I am currently reading the book Just Listen by Sarah Dessen. I'm not that far into it, (page 115) but so far, this story revolves around a girl named Annabel who last summer apparently lost everything; her friends, her sisters and her life... the picture perfect life; a loving family, beautiful appearance, but on the inside it is a different story. Her two ex-best friends hate her. Clarke, hates Annabel but stays to herself. Sophie though, calls her something new each time she see's her. "Slut." "Whore.". Just one word. But so powerful. Words that have brought her down. So much, that she eats lunch alone. In silence. But only a couple of feet away from Owen. The guy that's judge each time he takes another step into the future. But then, when Annabel- Wait, no. I can't spoil it for you. Read it yourself. (:
Cliche. I know. But, it's just another Sarah Dessen book. And even though, all of her books all have to do with love, her books all have more depth. For example, this story is about music. Music and Love. Somehow, finding love is always incorporated into the story. In this story, the guy she meets has an obsession for music. Something, that she never cared too much about. It's the one thing that stands out in this story. Music, is seriously one of my inspirations. And some of the things said in this book, have left me breathless. They're so true. Here's one of them:
"I mean, when you think about it," he continued, "music is the greater uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common" I nodded, not sure what to say to this.
Maybe it's just me, but I think that this is so true. It has so much meaning, so much depth. But, anyway, as I was saying, love is always incorporated into her stories. In "Lock and Key" love is weaved into this book. Standing up for yourself, and love.
I think Dessen does this on purpose. I think she's trying to get a point across. Love comes in all different shapes and forms. Different things can spread love around the world. Whether it's music or standing up for yourself.


  1. Wow, I think this is one of your strongest SD posts yet! You gave the story, not showing off too much about the book. I like how you incorporated a quote, I did that when I did a post on this book earlier. Your last 'overall' paragraph was exceptionally good. WOW KEIAME WOW!

  2. Thanks Zarrin! You just made me feel good about blogging! Haha (:
    I agree with you, this is probably one of my strongest posts!
